Swimming in English

Welcome to Swimming in English. Use this site as a quick reference guide for learning English at the beginning level. You can press any of the links on the horizontal navigation bar, and they will take you to the different grammar pages where you can learn about verbs, nouns, adjectives and more!

Keep in mind that this site is only meant to be a reference page for reinforcing your English skills. It is by no means an English course. If you would like do do a complete English course online, I would highly suggest Holmwood's Online Learning. They have very informative and concise grammar videos, some of which I've included on this site.

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Grammar Tips

In this box you will find grammar tips to help you understand the concepts presented in each lesson. Think of these tips as a quick resource guide.

I will include the most important grammatical points in this section, including quick reference tips for conjugating verbs as well as usage rules.


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