Please use this site to find out what resources are available to you in the community, how the American educational system works, fun activites to do and to brush up on your English language skills. If you are from one of the regions below, click on a button to add your name to a list of others in the community from your area. You will see their names, emails and the country they're from. These people will be valuable resources to help you settle into life in St. Augustine.
American Educational System
The American Educational System may be different from what you know. Click on the buttons to the left to learn more.
Community Resources
St. Augustine is a small town with limited resources for immigrants, however, there are organizations nearby which provide information and help.
There are many things to do in St. Augustine, from visiting historical sites to playing outdoors or hanging out at the beach. Click on the photos to find out more and play the slot machine. When all three photos match, you'll hear congratulations in different languages.
Click the Logo
to Learn English
Closed Caption
Set your TV remote control to CC so you can see subtitles in English while watching TV.
Library Card
Once you get a driver's license, go to your local library and you can get a card. You can check out audio books, and even download them for a few days on your computer iPad, or Kindle with the OverDrive app.
Watch the news in your own language first and then in English and you'll understand more.
Put the radio on in the background with a station where you like the music. This will help familiarize you with the sounds of English. It'll be hard to understand at first, but you will eventually understand more.
Take an English class at the library, at the FCTC technical school, or through Adult Education.
You can use the Google Chrome browser to translate your webpages. If you are using a PC, right-click with the mouse and choose translate. If you are using a Mac, press the CTRL key and and the mouse and choose translate. You can choose your language from there. The translation menu will appear at the top of the page, whenever you return to the website. You can also use Google Translate, but you have to copy and paste.